10 Questions with photographer Rudy Ximenez

A familiar face around Georgetown, Rudy Ximenez has years of experience photographing special events, including family and corporate events, weddings, and concerts, and also does commercial work for various industries. Rudy has been published in local publications the Georgetown View, Community Impact, Surreal Beauty Magazine, and Texas MD-Monthly Magazines. His works are used by the City of Georgetown and several local businesses. Rudy volunteers at Shoreline Church as its main photographer / videographer, and participates in gallery events throughout the local community. He has received Bronze Award for BEST PHOTOGRAPHER in the Best of Georgetown 2013, Silver Award for BEST PHOTOGRAPHER 2014, 2015, 2016, 2022, 2023 and GOLD Award 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021.

  1. I define creativity as… a drive or motivation to manifest or interpret an element within us—a thought, an experience, an influence—through a skill or talent like art, paint, photography, writing, film, and other mediums, in an effort to evoke or translate an emotion.

2. I feel most inspired when… in the company of other creative people, in my case, photographers and filmmakers. I like for my photographs to tell a story on their own merit, and I like making short films to bring stories to life.

3. One piece of advice I would give an aspiring artist is…surround yourself with an environment that get your creative brain activated, artistic community, galleries, even YouTube are excellent resources.

4. One thing I try to do every day is… find a resource to learn from as we should always be improving our skills.

5. To avoid distractions I…focus on my project and set a goal to complete the task. Close my door and leave my phone in a different room … LOL

6. I handle negativity by…redirecting my focus onto the positive outcomes.

7. One thing that is difficult for me but I enjoy is…color-grading a video. It is time-consuming and subjective, but to color a video to resemble a movie like Mad Max or Joker is rewarding.

8. My best advice for handling change IS… embrace it until the outcome is positive. If not, change again.

9. In ten years I hope to be … a healthy active 80 year old “dude with that camera” who influenced a whole lot of creatives in a positive path.

10. I define success as… when one has been blessed enough to bless others. Amen.