Hidden Dangers: Toxic Plants for Pets

Pets bring many positive changes to households. They can make homes more lively, reduce feelings of loneliness, and they also offer additional health benefits to pet owners. However, individuals preparing to adopt a furry friend must ensure their homes are safe places for pets to reside. Just as new parents must assess their surroundings for potential hazards to babies, pet owners should conduct similar inspections. These safety checks should occur throughout your home and in your yard or property if pets will be spending time outdoors. Poisonous plants are a potentially hidden hazard that must be considered before bringing a new pet home.

People generally do not give much thought to the plants they add to their homes and yards beyond care instructions and aesthetic appeal. Homeowners may know if their plants like the sun or shade, but they may not realize which of them could be toxic to curious pets that may sniff and nibble plants while exploring their environments. It’s best to be aware of the following toxic plants, according to the ASPCA, Dr. Buzby’s, and Garden Design.

  • Autumn crocus: Among the various types of crocus plants, Autumn crocus is the most toxic. The entire plant is toxic, and the highest concentration is found in the bulbs.
    Sago palm: People in warm climates may enjoy the look of palm trees on their properties, but despite its tropical and relaxing appearance, the Sago palm is extremely poisonous if ingested by pets, with the seeds being the most toxic part. 
  • Lily: Lilies are highly toxic to pets, especially cats. Even grooming pollen off their fur or drinking water out of a vase where lilies are kept can cause kidney failure.
  • Tulips and hyacinth: These early bloomers are beautiful, but each contains a similar alkaloid toxin that is mild to moderately toxic to pets. The highest concentration is found in the bulbs, which dogs or cats may dig up while exploring. 
  • Aloe vera: This soothing succulent contains saponin, a toxin with foaming properties that can harm pets if ingested and cause severe dehydration.
  • Begonia: A popular outdoor houseplant, begonia has decorative flowers and attractive leaves. However, the plant can be toxic to cats and dogs if ingested, particularly the underground tubers.
  • Azalea: This flowering shrub produces flowers in many colors, so it’s often present in household landscapes, but the plant is toxic for dogs and cats.
  • Yew: American, Canadian, and Japanese yew may be found growing wild so it is important to identify them by their small red berries with green centers. Pet owners should be aware that the shrubs are toxic to cats and dogs.
  • Dahlia: Dahlia produce flowers in different colors and are common in flower beds, but these plants are also mildly toxic to pets.