Creatures Great and Small

“Panthers” are not actually a species of large cat, but rather are
typically either jaguars or leopards. The thing that distinguishes them is the color of their fur. Black panthers still have the same markings (spots) on their fur as other members of their species but their fur is so dark, the markings are invisible. 

Greenland sharks live 300-500 years. They grow about 1cm per year and do not reach puberty until they are about 150 years old. Carbon dating on a Greenland Shark caught in 2014 showed it to be approximately 392 years old. 

If you get close enough to Africanized bees and you start to smell
bananas, this means they are about to attack you. 

If you want to swat a fly on the first try, hit it from behind.
They always launch backwards to ensure a “getaway”.

Dolphins recognize humans in the water because of the way our skeletal structure sounds to their sonar. They help humans fight sharks and stay afloat because they are mammals and they understand drowning. 

The global spider community consumes 400-800 million tons of prey
annually. They save the global pesticide community billions of dollars every year. 

Dogs’ sense of smell is about 100,000 times stronger than humans’, but they have just one-sixth our number of taste buds. Bloodhounds can follow tracks that are over 300 hours old and can stay on a trail for more than 130 miles.

Frogs have been around for 300 million years, so they have developed many self-defense mechanisms, including skin peptides that function much like antibiotics. Before refrigeration, folks in Russia and Finland put live frogs in their milk to keep it from growing bacteria and rotting. 

Those four “antennae” on the heads of Slugs are their noses. 

If you’re in the jungle and you start to smell buttered popcorn, there may be a tiger nearby. Their urine, which is sprayed on trees to mark territory, smells remarkably like your favorite movie snack.