Editor Letter • June 2021

June Greetings… 

June is the time we celebrate getting out of school and getting outside. Maybe even getting to the beach or the mountains. In 2021, we are also celebrating a gradual return to normalcy, however painstakingly slow. 

This month we have a wonderful mix of people, plans, and proclamations that highlight fathers, food, and fun in Georgetown. First up, it was very exciting to check in with the “Smile Freely” dentists at Aesthetic Dentsitry and see how their patients are paying their new smiles forward. 

In our schools, Dr. Fred Brent has much to be proud of, and he continues his resolute efforts to ensure every student has the opportunity and support to move forward in his or her academic progress. With tremendous respect, I could add my own gratitude to his story. The weight of this all-in-one global pandemic and calamitous winter storm year seems evident, but just ask him to talk about his students and watch him light up like a kid on Christmas. 

In the community, Jimmy Jacobs is helping Pastor William Quickley renovate the historic Wesley Chapel AME Church. Jimmy’s love and support for Georgetown has been pivotal for many organizations over the years and we’re lucky to have them both. 

While we’re on the topic of ‘love for Georgetown,’ there is no greater story than Leo and Vivian Wood. Not only was it Mr. and Mrs. Georgetown Day in Georgetown last month, Judge Gravell and Commissioners Court got on board and honored them on behalf of the whole county. 

There are plenty of Texas things to enjoy as well. From wild grapes to cowboys, add a General and some ladies showing us how to enjoy being friends the way we used to, and it’s a perfect start to the summer.