Editor Letter • September 2022

This month’s issue covers quite a range of topics. Our special sections began with hunting and sporting outdoors. We wanted to celebrate the season and the men and women around town who make the most of our Texas landscapes. For contrast, we also focus on outside-the-box habits that also make us feel healthy and beautiful. Fortunately, a good dose of sunshine is great for both, and there’s never a shortage of sun here. 

Our congratulations go out to the leadership and youngsters in Georgetown Scout Pack 151 on their 100th anniversary. It’s hard to imagine many other groups that have done so much to help children and young men learn to appreciate nature and the outdoors. 

Our cover story is an annual feature in memoriam for Gracie Kiltz and celebration of the Citizens of BiG. This year it includes an update on the beautiful independent living community that will soon be reality just outside of Georgetown. Teaching their Citizens about their own inherent value and all the things they have to contribute to this world is nothing short of amazing. 

Another timely feature takes a look at wildfires, the men and women who go through so much to fight them, and what we can all do to be aware and help prevent them. 

In the save-the-date category, there’s still time to purchase tickets to the Georgetown Film Festival and see what all the buzz is about. Their new leadership is taking the festival into new directions and to new heights. If nothing else, it’s a good excuse to spend your day on the downtown Square while supporting the arts. 

Meanwhile, we wish our students, clubs, and fall teams well this month and remember our firefighters and first responders on the 21st anniversary of 9/11. I wish we had a 100-page magazine to cover stories for all of you.