Editor’s Letter • March 2022

Welcome Spring! 

Our editorial staff recently pondered how many people actually read editor letters in magazines. It came up at a writer retreat we had last month and we were discussing our process. It is pretty near standard practice that we send drafts of our stories to the folks we interview before we print them. It’s a departure from most media to give people the opportunity to fact check what has been written about them, and also to let them polish or strengthen a thought or a quote after they’ve had time to think about it. 

The reason I’m sharing that little nugget is to demonstrate our commitment to being a medium our readers can trust. We hope that will give confidence to the folks we invite to be on our pages that we will faithfully represent them and the stories they tell. 

That is all important for this family-friendly magazine, particularly this month since our theme focus is kids and family. We’ve been all over Georgetown and towns around to find people, activities, and resources to entertain, encourage, and get everyone started on that all important spring and summer activity planning. 

We also have a great mix of stories for those planning for gracious—and comfortable—retirement living. Wrapping it up is an event that has been a long time coming and we were so happy and proud to be a part of it. Our February cover story mentioned the WCCAC groundbreaking and, even with so much anticipation, the event did not disappoint. Congratulations to Kerrie Stannell and all her staff, who never lose the faith and courage to give hope to children who have endured and lived through the nightmare of abuse.