Editor’s Letter • November 2021

As we approach the holiday season, we tend to be mindful of all the needs in our community. Living in Georgetown, we are fortunate to have so many individuals and organizations that provide examples of and opportunities to give back. Renee Fox is a quintessential giver, not only sharing her personal provision, but also working with and encouraging others to simply make giving a part of daily life. 

For Veterans’ Day, we’re happy to share the Purple Heart Integration project which, given the chance, will provide a lifetime of skills and hope for wounded Veterans. Plus, don’t miss the story about our local American Legion’s first female commander, who has made a habit of breaking glass ceilings. 

Also, as is typical of Georgetown, good things always emerge when we need them. The Protect the Pets advocacy group is well on its way to making change and helping create legislation that may prevent another tragedy like we had in September. I am also so proud and pleased to write about Constable Pct. 3 Matt Lindemann. This dedicated public servant has done much for the city, county, and state, and there’s not much I can write in a single story to thank him. It will be no surprise to me if he has a long tenure as Constable.

In between, please enjoy our Thanksgiving ideas, satire and silliness, and don’t forget to get your tickets for the Kiwanis tour of homes in Sun City. 

I enjoyed working on this month’s magazines and I always appreciate the occasional celebrity perks that come with the job. I was delighted to take a selfie with Sunrise Spur (a.k.a. Bevo XV) and his roommate Two-Spot (above). Both are big ol’ sweethearts and I think, if his horns were a little smaller, Two-Spot may have laid down in my lap for a nice ear scratch.