Editor’s Note • August 2020

The ancient Romans called the hottest, most humid days of summer “dog days.” The name came about because they associated the hottest days of summer with the star Sirius. Sirius was known as the “Dog Star” because it is the brightest star in the constellation Canis Major (Large Dog).

That’s enough astronomy for the day, because I suppose while July 12 to August 20 may have been a thing in ye olde Roman empire, in Texas, we know the hottest days are… all of them… from April to October.

Taking that summer cue, our theme this month has a diverse focus on Texas’ brand of football, flight and fundraising, and—because we know Georgetown is a pet-loving town—a LOT about furry friends. I enjoyed seeking out the different flavors of how our furry companions please, entertain, and even serve us, but also how we help and care for them as their stewards in this earthly plane.

There’s also plenty of available dates to take a trip with the Austin Steam Train Association—open for business—and when you check the calendar again, we’ve done our best to find fresh tips, hacks, and stories to get you in the mood for Fall.

Our “Five Questions” turned out more like ten, since I got to interview two of Williamson County’s biggest stars, K9 Kato and Fuze. I have been looking forward to that visit for months, and the dogs and deputies certainly did not disappoint. 

Grab a Popsicle, or some sweet tea (is there another kind?) and put your feet up in a cool spot for some warm stories.