Editor’s Note • February 2020

Happy February…

Yes, it’s still Winter. But if you have a green thumb, there’s at least one thing in our February issue to get you thinking about Spring. My publisher is very excited about our Home & Garden section because, like me… she wants to know what kind of plants she can “not kill” when she gets busy on her yard this year. Master Gardener Susan Blackledge and her friends have all the answers!

With that in mind, this month is quite a mix of topics and facts. Our Texas-y Texas feature is about cattle ranching, and, truth be told, Jim Schwertner was my inspiration for doing the series in the first place. His commitment to the legacy and Code of the West, and the generous way in which he lives his life, while promoting the classic values of Texas, is something we can all appreciate. 

We are also including a brief primer on some of the things you will see on your primary election ballot. A few years ago, a State Representative told me she received a call from a constituent because his trash cans weren’t picked up. It occurred to me that many of us (myself included) get completely saturated with national politics but we really don’t understand the roles and responsibilities of the myriad municipal and elected leaders in our city and county. Our “Six Pack” provides a look at the differences between down-ballot offices and, hopefully, give you an idea of what it takes for a candidate to be worthy of your vote. 

Of course, there are a handful of fun things for Valentine’s Day. We are always eager to focus on good news and happy things, and what’s more fun than a day to focus on your sweetheart? 

Unless you are a shutterbug and want to attend the second annual Georgetown Photography Festival to hang out with this guy… 

Happy reading!