Editor’s Note • July 2020

It’s been one year since I wrote my first editor’s note and, although the year could not have been any more unpredictable, I still say it was worth the wait in my career to become an editor, so I could meet and write about the people, events, and ideas across Georgetown in this special magazine.   

Even though Summer seemed to come out of nowhere (since we spent our Spring inside) I’m glad we are able to explore a little more this month. We have a great mix of fun things to do, and happy things to think about in this issue, and I hope our features will be as inspiring to you as they were in the writing. It’s not often you meet a filmmaker who not only lives in Georgetown, but also uses it in his movies! And, as we frequently do, we heap plenty of praise on the non-profits that give Georgetown the reputation of generosity it is known for far and wide. 

I’m also pleased to have learned so much about the legacy of Juneteenth here in Georgetown from Paulette Taylor. If you haven’t met her yet, she’s a treasure of our city’s history. 

Already looking ahead, our recurring “Five Questions” is a visit with GISD Trustee Andy Webb who, like most of us, is hoping for the best for the next school year. Incidentally, while writing that story, I discovered saying
“TwentyTwentyTwentyTwentyOne school year” takes a bit of practice!

Meanwhile—this is one of my favorite photos; remembering one of my most exciting Independence Days at Camp Doha, Kuwait…Happy Birthday, America!  

cause there ain’t no doubt,
I love this land…
God Bless the U.S.A.!