Editor’s Note April 2020

April greetings… 

Despite current events, April has always felt like the ‘friendliest’ month to me. Maybe it’s the delicate buds on trees and multi-colored flowers that emerge. Easter, of course, is the highest of happy days for many people. Or possibly because there’s next to no chance I will be freezing through most of the month. 

In any case, our stories this month really are some of the friendliest I can recall working on, collectively. First, I want to congratulate all the wonderful young people, and their families, who appear in our Faces of 2040 feature. It was a welcome break from the national news scene to spend time with the kind of people who allow me to believe everything is gonna be alright. So much kindness, giving spirit, and smarts in our city. I hope you’ll agree when you read about the eight youngsters we included. 

There is also young Kooper Hernandez, who is inspiring people in a big way with his resilience, courage, and eagerness to do everything little boys are supposed to do…with one leg. You will quickly see why there’s a “Super” in front of his name. His entire family was a delight to visit and I can’t wait to see what Kooper will be up to in 2040. 

Meanwhile, back at the office… you may notice the magazine is a little lighter this month. Like many businesses, we had to make adjustments to the plan as we went. But, we will still bring you the features and previews we planned for the Georgetown events that were rescheduled — in their respective new months. 

Also this month, Cathy and I were invited to speak to some U.S. National Guard soldiers who will be deploying soon. The group will be in charge of various types of communications at their next OCONUS post, and they wanted some guidance from some civilians who have a little experience at publishing. It was a pleasure to talk to them, hear about their plans, and how things work in the Armed Forces as well. We wish them luck, safety, and brilliance in their duties.