Editor’s Note • March 2021

Well, the Groundhog did say six more weeks of Winter. But, then he apparently got drunk and sent it all at once. And I’m not buying his “Criteria for weather? I thought you said ‘Siberia’…my bad” excuse.  

In any case, the intrepid View staff did get some wonderful stories to share before the lights went out. Not the least of which is the inspiration of Granger and Amber Smith and their family, who turned tragedy into hope for many. 

Also on that note, attorney Terence Davis and Judge Stacey Mathews have transformed Williamson County’s Transformative Justice Docket into a program that is as creative as it is compassionate in helping keep young adults out of “grown-up prison.” 

One of our fun themes this month is cheerleading. While many teams don’t even have in-person fans right now, March is Cheerleader Safety Month, and it is a time when young women and men start planning for tryouts. It’s also the month that this editor comes clean with just how many years past her prime she was still shaking pom pons. 

Don’t miss our special look at Liberty Hill real estate. The current Central Texas real estate market, according to my agent friends, is historically unprecedented, and there are 63 home sites just down the road in Liberty Hill. Plenty of great builders, developers, and agents to get your creativity going too. 

Fireside, Biscuit and I hope you are all warm and safe, and, like me, half-heartedly looking forward to swatting a mosquito with a flip-flop while not complaining about the heat.