Editor’s Notes September 2020

This month’s issue, like so many things this year, changed a dozen times while we were working on it. While stressful, I couldn’t be more delighted with the final result. 

I have been wanting to tell Judge Donna King’s story for a long time, and I’m pleased she was able to make time for our readers. Judges have an awesome responsibility, but often can’t talk about it. Judge King not only shared some personal reflections on the burden she carried for the Greg Kelley case, she connected us with Greg’s attorney for a behind-the-scenes look at this rare judicial occurrence. 

Our purpose was not to re-hash everything in the news or the documentary, but to communicate a few things not seen in the Showtime documentary, and things that made this case a once-in-a-lifetime—if ever—happening in a legal or judicial career. 

The end of this story was also a true blessing; to have been there when the Judge met Greg for the very first time outside the courtroom. He surprised her (and everyone else) by arriving at a public event to show his support for her re-election. I do not mind writing here that her emotional response shows the size, and authenticity, of the heart under the robe. 

I can say the same about Greg. He was gracious, friendly, and open with everyone present. He was eager to talk about his new life, and his God-centered missions. 

Even before that busy afternoon, we were inspired by Judge King’s example to focus on many such leaders in Georgetown for our special section. I am looking forward to continuing the theme; featuring and focusing on women who lead. And also men, teens, children, and many organizations that lead, in future issues.