Five Questions: Gordon Logan, Sportclips CEO

  1. What do you like to do for fun?
    I have always been a car enthusiast. One of my first jobs was at a filling station, and I built a stock car and raced it. I still have the 1969 Jaguar XKE I bought after college and even found and restored a 1928 Packard my father owned and had sold. We restore and show many types of cars all over Texas and the U.S. and also enjoy driving tours. (Editor’s note: Mr. Logan’s office is awash in trophies, ribbons and medals for ‘Best in Show’ and other wins.)

2. What did you want to do when you were young? 
I wanted to be an engineer and build race cars. I got an engineering degree and eventually became an Air Force pilot. But even as a kid I was entrepreneurial; recycling, mowing lawns, selling Christmas cards. I read an article in the Wall Street Journal about a hair care franchise in 1978 and opened my first shop in Austin in 1979.

3. What is one secret to SportClips’ success?
The service we provide will never be outsourced to or done more cheaply in another country; it can’t be moved to an online space and people will always need to have their hair cut.  

4. You could run SportClips from anywhere… what is special about Georgetown?
People don’t put on airs here. We had salons in Austin, Temple and Waco and since my wife and I grew up in small towns, we wanted to raise our family in one. I liked having to make extra time to go to the bank because I’d inevitably see people I know and stop to talk to them. Plus, people like living here so it’s easy to attract good talent to the company. 

5. What is your best advice for entrepreneurs? 
Try to work with people and maintain a culture; it is worth the effort. Gradually, people will buy into your values based on how you do business and they will stay. I follow the Lou Holtz model, “Do the right thing. Do your best. Treat people how you want to be treated.” 

On July 11, the City of Georgetown officially changed the name of Briarwood Drive to SportClips Way.

Not one of the original five questions, Mr. Logan offered a bonus answer on his thoughts concerning the event: “It is only one block, but we appreciate that our buildings will be easy to locate and it is a nice gesture by the city. I wouldn’t have wanted anything bigger… like changing Williams Drive.” 

The Georgetown View will feature Mr. Logan in November to highlight how fortunate we are to have him in our community. 

Both SportClips, and Mr. Logan personally, support many non-profits helping children and Veterans in Georgetown and all over Central Texas.