FLAG: All In For America

July is a time to celebrate America, its history, and its exceptionalism. At the same time, we must not fail to recognize the vigilance required to maintain these legacies and help us reach our tricentennial intact. Fortunately, among the many who love America and are committed to these goals is a warrior born in Australia.  


Nick Adams, among his many personal and professional credits, is the founder of the Foundation for Liberty and American Greatness (FLAG), a 501(c)3 non-profit that teaches civics and informs K-12 students and parents about the power of the American Dream. Grown from humble beginnings in Nick’s apartment garage in 2016, he and his FLAG ambassadors create resources and reach out to patriots of all ages to: 

  • Rally everyday Americans against socialism and promote the American way of life. 
  • Fight against the false narrative that America is a terrible country.
  • Distribute materials that teach civics and the greatness of America to K-12 students.
  • Spearhead a movement of legal immigrants, give voice to their patriotism, and fight back against those who would eliminate their desire to do so.

Nick expresses great satisfaction that more than 1 million students have already received at least one of FLAG’s resources. Among them are the world’s first plain English versions of our founding documents for kids—the Student’s Constitution©, Student’s Declaration of Independence©, and Student’s Federalist Papers©. In addition to these, FLAG created the Citizen’s Guide to the Electoral College and, most recently, Freedom vs. Socialism: A High Schooler’s Guide. They also provide classroom materials, videos, lesson plans, and guest speakers for classrooms across the country. 

As FLAG’s reputation and impact grow, the organization continues to expand and create new programs beyond the K-12 space. “We are non-political,” Nick says. “Speaking in schools is an important commission but there will be a gap before those students are in positions of influence to support bigger things. America also needs action now and my vision for FLAG is to become a voice for traditional America—perhaps become to the everyday patriot what the NRA is to the 2nd Amendment lover.” 

 “I believe history bestows a task of great importance upon every generation,” Nick says. “After 9/11 I realized it is incumbent upon my generation to stand up for America.” 

Nick Adams

Every day, Nick is outspoken about his distaste for those lucky enough to have been born here—who won “the lottery of life”—but do not acknowledge how special and wonderful it is. He says, “The whole world wants to come here but there are Americans who tell us how bad it is.” He has previously spoken in Georgetown and hopes to reach even more areas across Williamson County and all of Texas. “I and many legal immigrants came here because America isn’t like everywhere else and I want to make sure it doesn’t turn out like the places we felt we had to leave.” 


Born and raised in Australia, Nick developed an affection for all things American and after years of patient determination he received his Extraordinary Ability Green Card, also known as the ‘Einstein Visa’, in 2016. He immigrated to America and achieved his ultimate goal, American citizenship, in 2021. 

Headquartered in Tarpon Springs, Florida, FLAG’s offices at The Andrew Adamopoulos Logistics center boast a growing staff and a board of elite influencers. They also host an annual gala with high profile speakers such as Dennis Quaid, Laura Ingraham, and Bill O’Reilly, all of whom share Nick’s frustration that civics is no longer being taught in schools. Tickets are available now for the September 2022 event in Las Vegas featuring Kayleigh McEnany. 

For his part, Nick is living the American Dream. “We are a rocket ship right now,” he says. “I reach 10 million Americans per month on social media and we can barely keep up with demand. But, with everything going on, I believe FLAG is the best way to teach Americanism, promote the American Dream to future generations and preserve the 21st century as American.” 


NICK ADAMS’ BEST DAY • On December 20, 2021, when Nick became an American Citizen, he had a major celebration and turned his home into a museum for all the awards and memorabilia he received in his time touring around America. Nick says, “It’s simple: I have big dreams, and I want to leave a legacy.”

No need to just take Nick’s word for the importance and impact of FLAG. His work in schools across the country earned him honorary Texan status in 2013, and eight other governors followed suit in their respective states. President Trump tweeted about his books so frequently that media outlets referred to him as the president’s favorite author. President Trump also appointed Nick to the Board of the Smithsonian Institution’s Wilson Center. He appears on Fox News frequently and with speaking, running FLAG, fundraising and other commitments, he is virtually in a different city every day.  

2076 Project

In addition to civics education, FLAG is promoting The 2076 Project, dedicated to answering the question, Will the United States achieve what no other superpower hasmake it to our third centennial? Will we get to celebrate our 300th birthday as the U.S. we have always known? Nick explains, “Any historian will tell you America is right in the kill zone, having just celebrated her 245th birthday. The pages of the history books yet to be written will determine what happens but every grandparent is terrified that life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness have become lifelessness, suppression, and the pursuit of mediocrity.” 

To advance the project, and using his creativity and charisma, Nick and FLAG are amplifying the voices of legal immigrants whom he believes “can help steer America to safety.”  


Nick invites everyone to be a part of FLAG as a volunteer, donor, or host for a speaking engagement. “FLAG has now become one of the leading K-12 educational groups in America because we are all about aspiration and inspiration—we want every young American to tie their personal dreams to love of country. We see that as the answer to the increasing lack of patriotic pride in our youth.”

To donate to FLAG’s efforts to help boost Americanism and protect America, visit FLAGUSA.org/donate.