From Lab to Luxury

Lab-Grown Diamonds Shine Bright

Georgetown Jewelry • Your hometown jeweler since 2013. Georgetown Jewelry is a full-service jewelry store offering jewelry repair, custom design, and appraisals. • 512-869-4200

Whether you are looking to purchase an engagement ring, tennis bracelet, or custom piece, lab-grown diamonds offer a modern and innovative option that combines beauty, quality, and affordability. These gemstones, created in laboratories, are indistinguishable from natural diamonds in appearance and performance. They are crafted to meet the highest standards of clarity and color, providing customers with a dazzling alternative to traditional, mined diamonds.


In 1954, General Electric created the first man-made diamonds, which were mainly used for industrial purposes until the 1970s when the company introduced the first gem-quality, lab-grown diamond. Today, over half of engagement rings sold in America now feature a lab-grown diamond, according to Rare Carat.

One common question is whether lab-grown diamonds are “real” diamonds. The answer is yes – despite their synthetic origin, lab-grown diamonds are chemically, physically, and optically identical to natural ones. They are subjected to the same rigorous testing and appraisal processes as natural diamonds and graded on the same criteria, including cut, color, clarity, and carat weight.


Lab-grown diamonds are created by placing a small diamond seed in carbon-rich chambers, where heat and pressure transform it into a larger diamond over time. This process is significantly more environmentally friendly than traditional diamond mining. Growing diamonds in labs requires only a modest amount of electricity, which mainly comes from renewable sources, and, unlike mined diamonds, the process does not involve chemicals, water, or harmful substances.

For those looking for an affordable alternative to a natural diamond, lab-grown diamonds also offer a more cost-effective option, typically priced 30 to 40 percent lower than their natural counterparts.


Lab-grown diamonds are available in every shape and size, making them suitable for a wide range of jewelry pieces, from engagement rings to studs and tennis bracelets. Typically, lab-grown diamonds take several weeks to develop, an incredibly quick process compared to the one to three billion years it takes for natural diamonds to form!