From the Editor • August 2021

August is one of my favorite issues, mostly because I love our focus on dogs and canine puns. We always have plenty of diversity in the topics and they are a great complement to all the stories about Georgetown’s uplifting people too. 

For starters, congratulations to Claire O’Shoney on her national FCCLA win. Happy to say I’ve enjoyed her food, as she was part of the catering team at previous State of the District events. Can’t wait to see how she does in her upcoming collegiate and culinary adventures! We also highlight the TEARS foundation’s Fall events; another great non-profit that provides compassion and love to families dealing with loss.

Meanwhile, July was a pretty atypical month for me. I spent some time at Seton hospital, but, as always, had my laptop with me. My notes on the experience are these… never stop asking *different* people what might be wrong with you if the people you normally ask don’t have an answer; and I have since heard many similar stories from others.

Over a two-week period, I saw three general practitioners, two chiropractors, and a wellness expert; all of whom supported the need but were not able to pinpoint anything as I got worse every day. But an out-of-network physical therapist watched me walk about ten steps across his office and insisted I didn’t wait another minute to go to an E.R. Two hours later, an MRI proved his instincts 100 percent correct and all is well. So, dear readers, don’t ever be afraid to think outside the box when it comes to getting answers you need. I’m happy to share some names in a message. 

Happy Dog Days to all!