Girl Scouts Make a Difference

Building confidence as we return to a life filled with friends and new experiences. 

The Girl Scouts of America say if you find a troop near you, you’ll always have something to do. That is certainly true of the Red Poppy Service Unit, which has troops looking for new members and leaders in Georgetown, Jarrell, and Florence. They are especially eager to create new early elementary Daisy groups. 

Director Erica Edwards explains, “After a year of staying home, we are eager to give young ladies in elementary and middle school the opportunity to join our existing troops or build new ones with friends. The mission and values of scouting remains the same, teaching girls about independence and how to make a difference, but we are also diligent in making sure that our activities and achievements are relevant in the 21st century.” 

One of the unique things about Girl Scouts is the leadership opportunities they provide for all ages. Scouts choose their own experiences and team up with other girls to choose hands-on activities they find interesting. Along the way, they are given the reins to lead themselves, work within their schools or communities, and discover ways they can have the greatest impact. Troops are organized by grade level and members still go on camp outs and earn traditional Life Skills and Outdoor badges, but today’s Scouts also work toward STEM, Digital Leadership, Entrepreneur, and Global Action badges, and even earn college scholarships.


photo courtesy Erica Edwards

Erica says her biggest challenge in a post-COVID year is recruiting parent leadership to guide the young ladies throughout the school year. “Our Scouting year begins in October and the great thing about this volunteer role is that it can be what you make of it. Most troops have co-leaders to share the responsibilities and if they want to meet weekly, or twice a month, they can set their own pace and schedule. Plus, each troop has support positions, like Treasurer, or Cookie Coordinator, that don’t require as much time. We are all busy moms, of course, but if your daughter enjoys it, it’s a wonderful way to spend quality time together. We just encourage those who can make the time to help us build troops for everyone who wants to participate.” 


The Red Poppy Service Unit is having a gathering at Georgetown High School on October 7 at 7pm to answer questions and help with registrations. Membership is very affordable, just $25 annually and the cost of one uniform. Erica says GSA provides financial aid as well. Scan the code to sign up or get more information.