Golden Gauldens

Honoring Teachers, Inspiring Generosity

In a world where the lifelong impact of educators often goes unnoticed, Dave and Jill Gaulden from Sun City in Georgetown have become beacons of generosity and support for teachers. Married for 48 years, the Gauldens have dedicated their lives to education and have had a significant impact on countless lives along the way.

Their journey began in the early years of their marriage. Jill, a passionate kindergarten teacher, and Dave, a dedicated employee at Mead Products, found themselves united by a common purpose. Mead Products, known for iconic school supplies like the Trapper Keeper and spiral notebooks, provided Dave with a wealth of experience in the educational mass market. As Dave’s career with Mead took them across the country, Jill continued to teach, adapting to new environments and grade levels with each move.

In the late 1970s, the entrepreneurial spirit of the Gauldens came to life. They started a school supply distribution company in their home, juggling their business alongside their full-time jobs. Their hard work paid off, and within two decades, their garage-born company grew to become one of the largest school supply distributors in North America, culminating in a successful acquisition in 1995.

But the Gauldens were far from done. Dave went on to establish the Julmark Group, named after their children Julie and Mark. Under this corporate banner, Julmark became North America’s largest manufacturer of custom stationery products, offering personalized items like spiral notebooks, sticky notes, notepads, and business forms. Today, their son Mark manages the thriving business, continuing the legacy his parents built. Dave says, “If you go into any college bookstore in America, I’d say 90 percent of the spirals and notebooks are ours.”

Giving Back

Dave and Jill decided to give each teacher and school staff member in Jarrell ISD and Florence ISD a $100 cash appreciation gift. This generous act amounted to a total donation of $66,800 — a heartfelt gesture aimed at recognizing the invaluable contributions of educators. Dave says, “National Teacher Appreciation Week is a celebration of professional educators. We would like to see businesses and individuals across America join us in recognizing the invaluable contributions teachers make every day. The education of our children is as critical today as it has ever been. This is our way of saying thank you.”

The couple personally visited all the Jarrell ISD campuses, distributing more than $42,000 in cash to every teacher and staff member. The event also included a representative from Congressman John Carter’s office, who gifted each campus with a United States flag that had been flown over the Capitol.

Dave and Jill’s deep-rooted connection to education has shaped their perspective and fueled their philanthropic efforts. Dave’s experience in the business side of education and Jill’s firsthand knowledge as a teacher gave them unique insights into what educators truly need. Their initial school supply catalog, a simple folded piece of paper, evolved into a comprehensive resource that catered to teachers’ specific requirements, thanks to Jill’s expertise.

Living in Sun City since 2017, Dave and Jill have tried to retire multiple times, but their passion for giving back keeps them active. Dave admits he’s “bad at retiring,” often finding ways to stay involved in business and community efforts. Dave continues to support their son, Mark, providing valuable mentorship as he leads Julmark.

Champions for the Positive

The idea to support teachers came to them one evening while watching TV. A news segment titled “Crisis in the Classroom” painted a bleak picture of the education system and they felt compelled to counter this negativity by highlighting the dedication and hard work of teachers. While the Gauldens’ residence is in Georgetown ISD, they met first with Jarrell ISD Superintendent Dr. Toni Hicks to discuss their idea and the logistics of implementing their plan for smaller districts in the area. 

Camy Reynolds, a champion for the ISD and member of its education foundation, expressed great appreciation for the Gauldens’ efforts. “What they are doing really resonates with me,” she says. “The Jarrell Education Foundation works hard to make sure our teachers are appreciated.”

The Gauldens’ initiative wasn’t limited to teachers alone. Dave emphasized that every staff member contributes to the education of children and deserves recognition. From custodians to administrative staff, everyone received the $100 gift, fostering a sense of ownership and pride within the school community.

Their generosity has no doubt left an indelible mark on the Jarrell and Florence communities and their vision for a national movement to show appreciation to teachers during National Teacher Appreciation Week is a testament to their lifelong belief in the power of education.