Happy Paw-lidays from the WCRAS

contributed by April Peiffer • photo courtesy WCRAS

The holidays are a time for love, celebration, family, and togetherness; there’s no better time to invite a foster dog or cat into your home than now.

The Williamson County Regional Animal Shelter is excited to host its annual Home For The Holidays fostering program again this year. As part of the program, families can pick out any medium to large adult dog or adult cat as a foster pet for the duration of the holiday season. Fostering is a wonderful way to help the shelter by making space for new animals in need of the shelter’s help, and it is an activity the whole family can enjoy. Giving back to the community through fostering is a gift for all, especially for the dog or cat that gets to spend time in a home instead of the shelter.

 Why not give the gift of a home, love, comfy beds, and lots of extra helpings of holiday treats to a shelter pet this season and enjoy the love and affection you’ll receive in return? A foster pet is sure to repay your holiday generosity of spirit with plenty of love and affection right back. The shelter can guarantee there will also be some tail wags, doggie kisses, kitty purrs, and biscuit-making thrown in. 


Scan the code to fill out the linked Foster Application. Then, make an appointment to visit the shelter and pick out the medium to large adult dog or adult cat to take home as your Home For The Holidays foster pet. If fosters find they have a love connection and the pet is a perfect fit, adoption can take place at any time. 

If it turns out not to be a good time for adoption, fosters may bring the dog or cat back to the shelter once the holidays are over. The program runs through January 3, 2022.