How Bored am I?

In case you haven’t used enough data yet, the latest Excel spreadsheets have 220 or 1,048,576 columns; 214 or 16,384 rows; resulting in 234 or 17,179,869,184 cells. 

The most current Apple calendar scrolls all the way back to January 1, 1 and ends December 31, 10000. Assuming no changes to our current system, you won’t need to update until 4909, when one full day will be added to match Earth’s orbit.

If you decide to watch all the videos on YouTube, you will never finish. There are more than five billion videos right now, and 300 hours are added nearly every minute. 

Gravity Points is a digital “pen” created by Akimitsu Hamamuro. The website simulates the effect of gravity by allowing you to plot small gravity centers on your screen. Then, even smaller floating objects will flock to these gravity centers and orbit them until they become black holes. It’s a teeny tiny time lapse of how the universe works. 

There actually is a word that rhymes with purple; “hirple” means “to limp awkwardly.” Still no luck for orange, or silver. 

In case you are still wondering…In the Vietnam protest rally scene in Forrest Gump, where Tom Hanks’ mic is cut, what he actually says is “Sometimes when people go to Vietnam, they go home to their mommas without any legs. Sometimes they don’t go home at all. That’s a bad thing. That’s all I have to say about that.”

The Twitter bird’s name is Larry. Supposedly, the blue bird was named after former NBA player Larry Bird by Twitter co-founder Biz Stone. Stone’s home team was the Boston Celtics.

Go! PIco, GO!

The Track Sharker tool by Marine Research Group OCEARCH lets you track tagged sharks—who all have names, by the way—as they travel all over the world. You can even zoom in on the Texas coast to see which sharks are hanging out there, and also where they’ve been swimming and traveling for the past year.