Infusion Celebration: A New Path to Healing

Ketamine infusion therapy involves the administration of low doses of ketamine, an anesthetic drug, in a controlled environment under the supervision of a licensed medical professional. This treatment has been praised for its potential to alleviate symptoms of depression, anxiety, PTSD, and chronic pain, among other conditions. It combines state-of-the-art technology with a personalized treatment plan designed to meet the unique needs of each client.

ReKonnect Wellness in Georgetown takes a focused approach to holistic healing and compassionate care with ketamine therapy, and has helped many individuals achieve a better quality of life. Owner and Medical Director Dr. Aaron S. Gingrich is celebrating the clinic’s first anniversary, so we are taking a closer look at how this therapy can transform our approach to mental health and wellness.

A Mental Reset is Possible

Depression is a leading cause of disability worldwide. Some researchers believe depression can occur when chronic stress causes certain neurons in the brain to shrink and die. 

The synapses (connections) between those neurons play a role in how we learn from and respond to our environment. As we learn, we create multiple pathways to respond to certain stimuli; e.g., when dinner is burned, we can get angry, get upset, or laugh and order a pizza. But, as neurons die, they break connections and we are left with fewer options to respond to specific stimuli. Our brains default to the most robust paths, and perhaps only the negative path remains so we cry over the overcooked roast. This is one reason depressed patients find themselves unable to break patterns of negative thoughts or behavior. 

The Science Behind the Wellness

Standard anti-depressants only act on one neurotransmitter at a time, which is potentially why one-third of patients do not respond to treatment. Ketamine, however, acts on glutamate—the most prominent chemical messenger in a healthy brain. Glutamate strengthens and promotes new neural connections in the brain. Activating certain neurotransmitter receptors and pathways triggers rapid growth of new neurological connections and enables patients to create new, healthier responses. 

Dr. Gingrich explains, “Ketamine therapy is a wonderful complement—with other kinds of therapies—to a holistic approach to mental and emotional wellness. It provides a powerful reset for the mind and helps change thought patterns. For those with chronic pain, it is a great alternative to addictive pain relievers.”

This is Your Brain on Ketamine

Ketamine has the remarkable ability to provide relief almost immediately, with effects lasting days, weeks, or months at a time. Dr. Gingrich adds, “Ketamine therapy has provided lasting relief for about 80 percent of our clients, and we are on a mission to help the 20 percent who don’t experience the full effects. In all cases, however, there is still two hours of peace, and a brief respite from whatever is diminishing their quality of life.” 

Clients begin with a free consultation with a medical provider to discuss their goals for ketamine therapy and create a treatment plan. An initial treatment plan typically consists of six ketamine sessions spread over two to three weeks. Each appointment lasts approximately 90 minutes to allow patients to prepare and recover adequately before and after their infusion. 

Visit their website and click the News link to watch a treatment documentary.