Newcomers & Friends of Georgetown

Where Neighbors Become Friends

Despite the name, no matter how long you have lived here, the Newcomers & Friends of Georgetown club is for you. Founded in 1973, they are a social group whose mission is to introduce new residents to our city, and all the reasons it is the best place to live, work, and play. On the flip-side, members who are longstanding residents of Georgetown get to meet new people on a regular basis, plus share their thoughts on  “What’s the best…” and “Who should I call for…” 

Publicity Chair Susan Barton says, “We are really about making new connections through special interests and shared experiences. We have a fantastic group of nearly 200 women and men from all over Georgetown, originally from all over the country, with diverse backgrounds, who are looking to make connections in retirement or as new residents.” 


The Club meets on first Thursdays, September through May, at various locations around Georgetown, in order to support local businesses. Meetings incorporate speakers, lunch, and door prizes; there are additional seasonal events for holidays, plus an annual fashion show that features and supports local retailers. Most monthly meetings include a speaker and, as a gratuity, the club makes a $100 donation to the speaker’s chosen non-profit. If that isn’t enough social activity for you, there are also Coffee & Conversation meetups, special interest groups, socials, and day trips.

Dues are just $25 annually, and include all adult household members, plus social media, and a monthly newsletter. “We welcome everyone; it’s just a great way to meet new friends,” Susan adds. “Prospective members are welcome to attend a meeting to check us out and make a new friend or two. We are not affiliated with any groups or organizations, so we have no agenda other than simply creating warm connections.”


A day-trip to Salado Glassworks in early 2020. 

Outside the regular club schedule, members are encouraged to meet up with others who share their interests. Susan explains, “We have 44 special interest groups; with great names like the Cellar Dwellers wine lovers and Reel Women movie fans. We have groups that work out, play golf or bunco; enjoy scrapbooking, cooking, or making greeting cards, or share a love of history or craft beer. If there isn’t a group you want to join, we hope you will start your own. When you want to do something fun, you can always find someone who wants to go with you.”

For information or to sign up, visit, attend a meeting or Coffee & Conversation, or email [email protected]. All are welcome.