“Officer Jolly” The Book!

Georgetown already celebrates Officer Delta Jolly as a confident, compassionate—and often whimsical—law enforcement professional. She has been a dispatcher, patrol officer, and Community Engagement Officer over her ten-year career, and recently added Adjunct Professor to her resume. Now, she is also an author and soon-to-be beloved children’s book character who will inspire and uplift readers of all ages through her courage, humor, and 40 years of living. 

If you have met Delta, you won’t be surprised her friend Tonya Taylor, a marketing consultant, saw the wonderful potential in an Officer Jolly series. “We were at a martial arts class with our kids and I had a particularly bad day. Some kids had been up to some shenanigans and were badly injured. It made me think about my life and how I might relay some of my experience, and maybe wisdom, to an audience. Tonya convinced me to put pen to paper and I began writing about my childhood, my life experiences, and what it takes to become a police officer. What emerged just felt like a children’s book.” 

Two years later, “Officer Jolly Earns Her Badge” is in print, on sale, and the first 500 copies will be autographed by the author herself. 


This first-in-a-series sets the stage for children to understand the process of becoming a police officer. The story shows readers, not just those interested in law enforcement, how to push through the “No”s to get to the “Yes”s that will catapult them to and through their careers. 

She says the book is brief, about 32 pages, and while appropriate for elementary students, it is a good lesson for any age. “I think if parents are reading it to their children, they will get something out of it too. This book lays the foundation of who Officer Jolly is, so when you read future books, which will be prequels that tell about my background growing up as an Air Force brat, going to school, and more, you will already know her well.”  

Life Lessons

One of Delta’s goals as a writer is to make a personal connection with the reader. “We talk about ‘personalizing the badge’ all the time, and it is important to understand people don’t come from the same beginnings. But, no matter your background, you can do anything you set your mind to do. I have many stories that illustrate those points; overcoming fear and overcoming obstacles. There will be a different message in every book. Right now I’m highlighting courage and perseverance for young children, but future books will also tackle young adult concerns like bullying and life changes that take you by surprise as you grow up.” 

Delta plans to release a new book about every six months so the community can get used to seeing them and enjoying wherever the road takes her. “I see the need for many young people to have a good mentor; one they have access to right here in Georgetown. I hope to have many in-person events to meet my readers and help any way I can.” 

“Officer Jolly” is available in hardback (because it is meant to last!) for $20.99 and can be purchased at OfficerJolly.com. Stay tuned to her website and Facebook page for local events, autograph sessions, and future YouTube channel for live readings and more!