Parting Shot: A New Normal, Worship

Chisholm Trail Cowboy Church in Weir is one of many churches holding modified services to ensure they are in compliance with orders regarding gatherings. As of the May 17 services, churches were allowed to fill an inside room to 25 percent of regular capacity. Church member Debbie Tolliver says, “It’s just not right to be at the door and decide which 25 percent of our church family should come in. It would be a shame to get dressed up and come all the way here, only to be turned away.” 

Pastor Alex Berrios

Chisholm Trail has been holding parking lot services for several weeks and a few members expressed delight in the change. “Before we had our building, we used to meet in a tent and this a hearkening back to those days. It’s a ‘cowboy’ church after all, and we all love being outside.” 

Pastor Alex Berrios says, “We understand people have different opinions about safety, but we want to keep things on an even plane; if you drive by and feel safe, come on in. We are doing our best to provide ministry where folks are comfortable. Being outside is a little extra work, but I enjoy being here in person while also streaming for those who are more comfortable watching from home. That’s been a blessing really — we have more people participating than ever before. “

Staff at the church are diligent about keeping the building clean in preparation for having everyone back inside, even as children’s church and other things are added back gradually. For this season, at least, hearing a message of faith while sitting in lawn chairs with the whole family, in the sunshine, listening to Christian country music, hearing doves and the lowing of nearby cows, hardly seems to be a downside. 

Pastor Alex says, “We do church a little different, tearing down barriers so folks feel comfortable coming to Jesus as they are.”  Chisholm Trail services are Sundays at 10am and you can find all their information at