Pawsitive Changes

Adopt a Pet, Transform Your Life

Wondering whether you should get a new pet? You’ll reap many rewards if you do. From providing companionship to boosting mental health, pets fill numerous roles that enhance our well-being. “Dogs and cats significantly alleviate stress and anxiety, help mitigate depression, and motivate people to stay active, which can contribute to lowering blood pressure, weight loss, and more,” explains April Peiffer, community programs coordinator at the Williamson County Regional Animal Shelter.

Studies have demonstrated that interacting with pets — whether stroking a dog or watching fish swim — can effectively reduce stress. Moreover, pets can provide a structured routine and a sense of purpose, both of which are particularly beneficial for mental health. For those dealing with social anxiety, pets can serve as wonderful icebreakers by facilitating social interactions. If you’ve ever stopped people to ask to pet their dogs, you know they are a great way to engage with new people. Plus, activities like joining pet clubs, attending pet shows, or visiting pet-friendly locales can significantly expand your social circles, as noted by health information provider Health Direct.


Pets also offer a sense of security and help combat loneliness by providing consistent companionship. Seniors, in particular, can greatly benefit from having a pet, whether as a walking companion or just a friend to sit with. “Taking a leisurely walk with a dog through a park can uplift your mind, body, and spirit. Having a pet curl up beside you while watching TV can ease feelings of loneliness,” April notes. The Seniors for Seniors program at the shelter aims to pair older pets with senior citizens, and pets ages six and above are free for adoption by citizens ages 65 and older.

“Having a pet is incredibly fulfilling, and its impact on our mental health is perhaps its most valuable contribution,” April says. “Pets bring joy, comfort, laughter, and happiness, encouraging us to stay active, which all contribute to a healthier mind. Adopt a pet from the Williamson County Regional Animal Shelter and experience these benefits first-hand!”

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