Sally Miculek Guides Library Through Pandemic

Taking up the gauntlet to lead Georgetown’s literary hub during COVID-19 has been no easy feat. But when Assistant Library Director Sally Miculek was asked to serve as interim director, upon Eric Lashley’s retirement, she was happy to step in, ultimately taking over as director in March. “Sally’s passion for serving the Georgetown community was evident throughout the selection process,” Assistant City Manager Laurie Brewer says. “She has the ability to work with advisory and advocacy groups, as well as other community partners to continue to provide outstanding cultural programming for our library.”


“I have always believed we can solve any problem with a library book,” Sally says. Inevitably, her college job involved shelving books at her local library in Stillwater, Oklahoma. That job sparked her passion for a library career and inspired her to pursue a Master’s degree in Library and Information Science at The University of Texas at Austin. She worked at the Austin Public Library until an assistant library director opening called her to Georgetown. “The things that attracted me were being in a smaller setting and having a greater opportunity to get to know patrons as individuals. I can also take time to develop strong relationships,” she says. “I wanted to work in a library where it would be a common experience to have a personal touch in our service. We are able to offer that in a smaller setting—the nimbleness of a one-building library as opposed to a 21-building library.”

Sally was especially excited about the Georgetown library’s service-minded staff, the opportunity to focus on a broad range of services, and work with residents from all walks of life. As assistant director, she organized special community projects, including documentary films, panel discussions, and art exhibits for Black History and Hispanic/Latino Heritage Months. 

As director, she oversees the programs and materials for the library while focusing on its mission to engage, enlighten, and empower the community. She also supports partnerships with several community organizations, including the Friends of the Library, the nonprofit organization that provides fundraising and volunteerism for library services. “The Georgetown Public Library is a great organization, because the entire leadership of the City of Georgetown shares a philosophy of values-based service to the community,” Sally says. “There is so much growth and change animating the Georgetown community and I am excited to help the library navigate new opportunities.”


Taking over as interim director in February during the pandemic and transitioning to director were bittersweet steps for Sally. When the library closed to the public and switched to curbside pickup, she was disheartened to see what had always been a community gathering place turn into a ghost building. 

Since then, the library has begun its return to pre-COVID operation. The building has reopened, the Secondhand Bookstore is open, and in-person programs—Music in the Library, storytime, knitting, and a new cafe—are all on the horizon.

Most of all, Sally has loved seeing familiar faces again. “I want to have a confetti party every time someone we know and care about returns,” she says.