Self-Driven Learning is Key to Student Success

Especially for Gifted & Talented Kids

While technology and Artificial Intelligence are poised to transform education, many schools are tied to traditional models in which teachers prepare lessons, deliver content, and set the rules. However, when schools prioritize student-driven outcomes through technology, teachers can focus on what matters most: empowering and motivating kids. 

Student-Driven Learning Starts with Student-Driven Rules

Technology alone cannot create a student-driven environment. While many schools enforce rules top-down, evidence shows students are more motivated to follow rules they propose and enforce.

When issues arise, like running inside or unfocused behavior, teachers can shift from punitive measures to collaborative problem-solving. You may be surprised what students come up with: provide peer feedback, create a “fine” system, or request privileges exclusive to those upholding the standards. 

For this to work, teachers have to shift their language. Instead of commanding, “Get back to work,” a teacher might say, “I’ve noticed we seem distracted today. What do you think is causing that?” When students self-identify problems, they are better able to solve them. And when they feel trusted, they are more motivated to take ownership of behavior and academics. 

Self-Driven Academics Double Engagement and Learning

With lecture-style learning, teachers must design lessons that appeal to the entire class — even when each student works at a different pace and has different levels of knowledge. No one moves on until everyone moves on. This especially hinders Gifted & Talented students who work at an accelerated pace and crave more challenging content. 

Using technology in the classroom offers schools an opportunity to put students in control of their own learning. When lessons are individualized, self-paced, and adaptive — something only AI allows — student learning and engagement doubles. In fact, it allows students to complete academics in just two hours per day, learn content twice as fast, and still rank in the top two percent nationwide. 

AI-powered, self-driven learning not only helps students catch up academically, but it also allows students to move on to new material when they are ready. There is no one-size-fits-all curriculum, because even students already in a classified “gifted” program have varying levels of knowledge. However, these students are especially likely to get bored when academic content is too easy. Self-driven, individualized learning encourages Gifted & Talented students to advance when they’re ready — unleashing their full potential by allowing them to work above grade level. 

Schools Should Help Kids Develop Life Skills

With traditional teaching methods, there’s little opportunity to teach students the life skills they need in addition to academics. But when students complete academics in two hours, there are four hours remaining to develop life skills and explore passions. For example, students can develop critical thinking through a chess workshop, learn financial literacy and start their own online business, or even create apps that reach users worldwide. 

Too few students are excited about school, but schools and teachers can transform this reality by putting students in control of their learning. When they do, they can ignite hidden passions and talents that were waiting to be discovered. 

GT School • Unlocking the full potential of K-8 gifted minds through a revolutionary blend of personalized AI-driven academics, life skills development, and advanced intellectual pursuits. •

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