So Much is New at the GTX Film Festival

While the GTX Film Festival has always been about drama, with these marketing geniuses and cinephiles pulling it all together, the event runs like a well oiled machine. This year, due to a move, festival founder Cindy Weigand turned the reins over to a new executive director, Beth Baker. Cindy says Beth was the first and only name on the list and she is already taking things in new and exciting directions. 

Beth, who has been producing live events for many years, says she was very flattered to be asked and is excited about this new challenge. “Cindy assembled a brilliant and talented staff who understand the film industry. It was easy to step into the flow and fold my experience running my own non-profit to show people what the Georgetown art community has to offer. I’m looking forward to the festival October 1, and it is my mission to grow this into a two to three day event that will bring ever greater numbers of filmmakers and fans to Georgetown.” 


In addition to the documentary “Cowboys,” which sold out at the Palace Theater last month, this year’s festival is all in person, and features 100 films in seven categories, including foreign films from 14 countries. All winners will be announced at the festival and the foreign film winner will be screened online Friday until Sunday at midnight at  

Even more than the global flavor of the entertainment, Beth was thrilled to relocate the festival and make the Doug Smith Performance Center the focal point of the festival. “It’s a beautiful facility with state of the art equipment, which will really enhance the experience. We will be showing films from 10am to 7:30pm and everyone who purchases a $30 wristband can stop in the center at any time all day to watch films. Between showings, it’s just a short walk to the Square to enjoy dining, shopping, and the best the Square has to offer. It is a great opportunity to show off our cultural district and bring a whole new tourist demographic to the most beautiful town square in Texas.” She adds a recommendation to check the festival website this month to get updates on retailers and restaurants on the Square that may be offering festival specials all day. 


Tickets and schedule of screenings are available on the website. Beth recommends purchasing tickets soon as they are sure to sell out. Those with wristbands may walk in and out all day and there are still opportunities for sponsors and partnerships ([email protected]). Board members are eager to welcome filmmakers to Georgetown to enjoy the show with prominent arts patrons like Sun City’s Carolyn Holloway, who purchased the very first ticket. Carolyn says, “It’s always been a dream of mine for Georgetown to be an arts mecca, and film was the missing piece. It is wonderful to have that hole filled with the best Central Texas—and the world—have to offer.” 

Every $30 ticket purchased includes an invitation and admittance to the film awards ceremony at the Smith Center at 7:30pm. Winners will be announced in all categories and there will be a reception immediately following and attendees will get to meet producers, directors, and actors from the featured films. Click to purchase your ticket and wristband.