The Write Way to Wellness

As a teenager you might have kept a diary hidden under your mattress as a judgment-free outlet to confess your thoughts and feelings. While that habit might have faded after reaching adulthood, journaling is still an effective way to manage anxiety and alleviate stress by providing a safe space to process emotions, reflect on past experiences, and track progress on your life goals.

Check out the following tips to kickstart your journaling journey, along with the wide range of journaling styles and some local events designed to help you connect with other growth-minded individuals.


After grabbing a notebook and pen, consider how you want to use your journal and what to write in it. You might note things like what you are thankful for, self-improvement goals, daily activities, and positive affirmations.

If you prefer typing over handwriting, journaling apps like Day One and Diarium offer features like location and weather, as well as an option to incorporate multimedia elements — audio files, drawings, and photos.

In addition, creating a writing routine and scheduling journaling time, such as a few minutes after breakfast or before you go to bed, can help you stay on track even on days when you are feeling uninspired.


Reflective journaling helps you uncover any deeper motivations, values, and beliefs by recording and reflecting on personal experiences, thoughts, and feelings. Some prompts to guide your writing: What has been on my mind lately? What did I enjoy about today?

Gratitude journaling is the practice of recording and reflecting on things you are grateful for on a regular basis. Be specific and write things like “I’m grateful for my friend bringing me soup when I was sick” instead of “I’m grateful for my friends.”

Stream of consciousness journaling involves recording your thoughts as they come to mind without any filter, structure, or judgment, allowing for a raw and authentic expression of your thoughts and feelings. Let go of the need for perfection and write without judgment. Keep the pen moving – if writer’s block hits, write “I don’t know what to write” until new thoughts come out.

Art journaling is a visual diary in which the writer creatively expresses thoughts and feelings through a combination of writing, drawing, painting, collage, and other artistic techniques.

Junk journaling is a creative form of art journaling that involves using found or recycled materials such as old book pages, magazine clippings, fabric scraps, and postage stamps. This journal can be used in a variety of ways, including as a memory keeper, travel journal, coffee table book for guests, or simply as a piece of art. Unlike higher quality scrapbooks, junk journals usually use old or existing notebooks you find at home.


Friday Intention Setting, Yoga & Journaling
Join other growth-minded individuals who meet weekly to relax with yoga as well as set intentions to feel confident about the week ahead. Fridays at 7am, Vuka – Bouldin Creek, 411 W Monroe St, Austin. Tickets available on Eventbrite.

Journaling and Writing Club
Designed to create a supportive, creative space for adults to explore journaling and writing, this club meets monthly and provides a variety of prompts and exercises to help people get started with journaling and writing, with an option to offer feedback on participants’ work. 6-7:30pm on Wednesday, March 20 at Leander Public Library, 1011 S Bagdad Rd, Leander. Free admission and no registration required.

Page Mage Meet-Up
Enjoy a shared space offered quarterly to reflect on the previous season and stay connected to yearly intentions, track progress of goals, and acknowledge accomplishments throughout the year. Reflection templates and art supplies will be provided.

Spring Reflection on Sunday, June 2 at Medici Roasting, 2222B Guadalupe Street, Austin. Tickets available on Eventbrite.

Art Journaling
This class is designed to help participants express their feelings through colors, shapes, and forms in a safe, judgment-free environment. Watercolor paints, pastels, markers, stamps, and collage materials are provided. Tuesdays at 1 – 2:30pm at Killeen Creators, 701 N 10th St, Killeen. Tickets are by donation and available on Eventbrite.