World-Class and Wonderful

Al Blaschke, also known as the current world record holder for the oldest tandem skydive, celebrated his 104th birthday January 4th at The Wesleyan Independent Living. He received a card, signed by residents and staff, from Director of Enrichment, Michelle Munk (above), and enjoyed a visit from Mayor Josh Schroeder (previous page). He was also the anchor story on the Today Show’s “Smucker’s Celebrates,” January 5. 

But, if you know Al, you know he didn’t just have some cake and head back to his comfy chair. After his photo op, he went bowling for three hours with his grandsons; he says spending time with them is his very favorite thing to do.  

Hugs from friend Betty Schleder and a card from Michelle Munk and residents of the Wesleyan Independent Living

This inspirational centenarian still plays golf, likes yoga, and runs the bases when the residents play beanbag baseball. He is active in the Sun City Kiwanis, and, as he did when he turned a mere 100, he continues to add things to his bucket list. 

After his skydive on his 100th birthday, Al said he would jump again when his grandsons graduated college. After checking that item off his list in July 2020, and being officially entered in the Guinness Book, his new plan is to visit South America and Antarctica. 

Of the occasion, Al says, “I am beginning to realize that everybody doesn’t get up here to 104. I’m feeling like this is unusual, but also that my health is the most unusual. I’ve been fortunate to have a happy life. That’s what keeps you out of the doctor’s office, and you live a longer life. That’s the secret.” 

When Mayor Josh Schroeder came by to visit and celebrate, they spoke about the things Al has lived to see in his century on Earth. Al smiled big behind his mask and said, “It is a long time, but if I had it to do over, I would do all 100 years, and I wouldn’t change a thing.”