Poppy Talks: Notes to my 2019 self

Recently, I have had occasion to reflect on many things we say that are completely normal. Then I laugh when I realize if I had said them at nearly any other time of my life, people would call me a lunatic then go’head’n lock me up, or at least think I was being extremely sarcastic. 

Still, I do enjoy thinking about look on my face if someone had said some of these things to me a year ago.  

  • Toilet paper, pasta, AND soap? You must have been first in line. 
  • Here’s $10, go fill up your gas tank this month.
  • No, I don’t think it’s excessive to have Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Vudu, HBO Max, Disney+, Peacock, and Sling; do you?
  • Hey, did you catch that 1985 Super Bowl the other night? 
  • Nah, you don’t really need to buy new socks / bras / razors / mascara any time soon. 
  • Matching shoes? I don’t even wear pants to work. 
  • My dog just lays there and looks at me when I take his leash off the peg and call his name. 
  • I really like Simon Cowell’s pajamas.  
  • My virtual church got hacked by a Zoom bomber. 
  • It’s your birthday today? What time is the parade? 
  • I found three cans of Clorox wipes on Ebay for $75. Score! 
  • Don’t forget to spray the pizza box. 
  • I don’t eat in public because if I get something stuck, ain’t nobody going to touch me to do the Heimlich. 
  • Remember when going out was fun and all you had to do to be safe was cover your drink? 
  • Wow, that was a fun visit; I really miss seeing my
  • Shower? Um… what day is it? 
  • I’ll have the broccoli; I can’t taste it anyway. 
  • Mne skuchno. (That’s Russian. I also learned to say “I’m bored” in Irish, German, and Finnish.)
  • Remember the good old days when all we had to
    worry about were terrorists and North Korea?
  • OMG, I’m really enjoying “Breaking Bad”. Have you heard of it? 
  • I’m so excited; I found a headband with buttons so I won’t have TMJ every night. 
  • Big day today, going to the grocery store.
  • Do you like Conan’s living room better than Jimmy Fallon’s? 
  • I know it’s not Black Friday, but I have to be at Costco by 5am. 
  • Speaking of days, today is Blursday, the forty-teenth of Marprilajunly. Happy EasteCincoDeJuly!
  • Why are people eating bats anyway?
  • Yes Netflix, I am still watching. What are YOU doing to save the world? 
  • The weekend? Well, my windows are clean, and I stripped and re-stained that china cabinet taking up space in my garage for two years. Tomorrow I’m going to screen in the back porch. 
  • Did you hear there’s an election coming up? 
  • I wonder what color car I should buy my son’s teacher. 
  • Headed to the bank…better cover my face with this bandanna.
  • Well, I don’t live in the Quarante province of France, so it’s more like “sparkling isolation.” 

I already can’t wait to find out what kind of weird things I’m going to hear myself saying in 2021.